Like you, I worry about our uncertain future. How long will we stay cooped up?
When will a vaccine be ready? Will it be safe? Even more than COVID, I worry about the other infection -- the “shecession” in the workplace as moms abandon careers because it’s too hard to juggle work and their kids’ remote learning.

Paula Fredrich, Getty Images/WBEZ
I worry about women losing the gains we’ve made over decades. And I especially worry about the stress moms have bottled up as they wonder: Am I helping my kids enough? Am I disinfecting enough? Am I taking care of myself enough? When we put ourselves last, we risk an explosion of frustration. Time to do something to prevent that: Go to a salon. Buy a new coat. Take a class... even if it means finding someone else to watch your kids.
Even before the isolation of a pandemic, I often felt disconnected from other moms.
I would see moms I knew at our kids’ activities, but we rarely had the time or attention for a meaningful conversation. We would trade a few emails or texts, but it was usually about the logistics of carpools or our kids’ school projects. And my old friends from high school and college seemed so distant, even the ones who only lived a few suburbs away.
I really craved female friendship, but there didn’t seem to be an easy way to forge those connections because we were all so busy and wiped out. I love the idea of mom Facebook groups, but sometimes we need a mom near us to lean on.
That’s why I started MomSub, to create a community of moms helping moms in the same neighborhood. When you share your address through our private and secure sign up process, we can find other moms in your area who are looking for new friends just like you.
Moms are facing pressure like never before to keep our families healthy and happy in the face of a global pandemic.
Should we send our kids to school? Trust daycare? Let our kids see their friends? Supervise remote learning by tapping into resources like this? Or find a pandemic pod -- a group of kids studying and socializing together at a cost of $1,000 or more a month?

Since that’s not feasible for many families, MomSub is forming free childcare pods where moms take turns hosting. You submit information about your schedule, invite friends you know from your neighborhood, school or church, and we do the rest -- the coordinating, arranging, scheduling, confirming.
If you don’t have a group of nearby mom friends, you can still join a free MomSub pod by providing extra info for a background check. While your kids are safe with a trusted mom, you can go to work, run errands, or just take a needed break for some affirmations to remind yourself you ARE doing your best and that is GOOD ENOUGH!